How To Learn Double 360 – Freestyle Calisthenics Tutorial

In this Freestyle Calisthenics tutorial, you will learn how to do a double 360 in 7 simple steps. Before you start this move you should be able to do Swing 360 and tornado 360. The Freestyle Calisthenics expert that will teach this skill is Pauls Jemeljanovs from Latvia, and he will give you the secret tips on how to master the double 360. But you can also use this technique to do even more the double 360.
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Step 1: Prerequisites
For this skill, you need to be able to do swing 360 and tornado already. Make sure to learn them first before trying double 360
Step 2: Kick one leg forward and bring it back.
Jump onto the bar and then kick one leg forward, now you lead the backward movement with your left leg. Twist your leg and hips inwards to the opposite side you are rotating. When you are underneath the bar, you twist your hip and leg towards the side you are rotating.
Step 3: Legs further back in the swing
When you swing backward, you need to let your lower part of the body go further backward than your upper body. This way will make it much easier to get the momentum for the second 360. If you don’t do this, you will have a harder time doing the second 360.
Step 4: How to rotate
Now it’s time to rotate! When you have come to the highest point, you want your lead leg to keep the rotation going, make sure to look over the shoulder to see the bar earlier. Tuck the upper body so it creates a faster rotation. The goal is to land more forward with your up body so you can reach the bar.
Step 5: Learning the mixed grip
For this step use a lower bar. Imitate the movement by having your legs on the ground. Now do the rotation and your lead arm will go more upward over your head, and the other hand will go underneath. When grabbing the bar, you should grab it with a mixed grip. When you have tried it on the low bar, make sure to practice this on the high bar. Start by just tapping the bar, when that feels comfortable, try to catch it.
Step 6: What to do after catching
Now it’s time to understand what you need to do after catching it. When catching the bar, your hand that is coming last from underneath needs to mimic an uppercut. Because this will help to start the second rotation more fluent and faster. Now when you catch it this way, you start to rotate your shoulders. You kick your leg forward and the lead leg follows backward behind you. Now you do the same rotation as you did in the first 360. The goal first is to land facing the bar. When you are able to see the bar before you land it. Then you try to tap or grab onto it. This will also apply for multiple 360.
Step 7: Do The Full Move
Now fully commit, and send it! Remember, practice makes it perfect!